CONSORT wins Energy Networks Industry Innovation Award

The CONSORT project has won Energy Networks Australia’s (ENA) Energy Networks Industry Innovation Award. Presented to CONSORT network partner, TasNetworks, the award recognises leadership in the design, development and application of a groundbreaking Australian energy network initiative.

“The trial is innovative in four ways that TasNetworks is extremely proud of,” TasNetworks Network Innovation Team Leader Andrew Fraser said.

“The first is the project team’s diversity. Having a network and technology startup work with three separate universities’ in computer science, social science and economics means not only can we develop a technical solution, but an economic and social one as well.

“The second is the Network Aware Coordination algorithm and how it is a technical demonstration of orchestration that optimises network and customer value. This algorithm allows networks to simultaneously and automatically manage multiple network issues while preserving customer privacy and choice.

“The third is our social science team participating as the voice of the customer and having their own dedicated research objectives.

“And fourthly, the trial foreshadows the future of distribution network operation with customers wanting more control and choice around the way they use electricity.”

Energy Networks Australia CEO, Andrew Dillon, said “TasNetworks has shown how to carry out smart coordination of solar and batteries, which has large economic and environmental benefits by allowing more renewable energy to connect, increasing grid stability and opening new markets.”


TasNetworks CEO Lance Balcombe receives the award from Federal Energy Minister, the Hon. Angus Taylor MP. Left to right: Kirstan Wilding, Lance Balcombe, Angus Taylor. Photo by Geoff Comfort 02 6286 1688, Canberra Photographer
CONSORT project leader Sylvie Thiébaux and members of TasNetworks and the CONSORT team pose with the award. From left: Lance Balcombe and Nicole Estoe (TasNetworks), Paul Scott, Sylvie Thiébaux (ANU), Alan Reid (Reposit Power), Dan Gordon (ANU), Kirstan Wilding (TasNetworks), Saad Akbar (Reposit Power). Photo by Geoff Comfort 02 6286 1688, Canberra Photographer